شهناز خادمی زاده؛ عبدالحسین فرج پهلو
Aim: This paper aims at evaluation of libraries of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz based on the "Standards of Iranian University Libraries" (SIUL) to clarify the current status of the resources of those libraries based on the abovementioned standards in a fifteen-year time period. Methodology: A checklist was used for evaluation of resources of university libraries, which was prepared based on SIUL. Data collection of libraries' resources was accomplished using the AZARSA integrated web-based library software tailored for the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz libraries. Additional tools and ...
Aim: This paper aims at evaluation of libraries of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz based on the "Standards of Iranian University Libraries" (SIUL) to clarify the current status of the resources of those libraries based on the abovementioned standards in a fifteen-year time period. Methodology: A checklist was used for evaluation of resources of university libraries, which was prepared based on SIUL. Data collection of libraries' resources was accomplished using the AZARSA integrated web-based library software tailored for the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz libraries. Additional tools and techniques used for data collection were interviews with librarians, statistics related to inventory of the libraries under investigation, statistics related to the number of faculty members and students in 2018. Results: The results of study indicate that the average conformity percentage of all libraries of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz with SIUL in 2018 has reached 17% demonstrating 2% increase compared to 2004. This could promise an ascending growth trend of resources in the target libraries; however, it should be noted that there is still a big gap to reach the standard level.