Document Type : Original Article


Aim: Cybernetics, as a meta-disciplinary field covering principles & concepts of different scientific fields, has fixed and definite doctrines in itself. In this paper, after looking into this science with in two epistemological approaches running in cybernetics, including positivism and hermeneutics, the author tries to verify these principles and concepts.
Method: In a deep review of the literature on the information theory and information concept, as well as the Quantum Theory and its relationship with Quantum Theory of Information, these issues were pinpointed and elaborated.
Results: As a result, principles of quantum theory of information were identified and on the bases of the study, one can conclude that Cybernetics is an umbrella that can shelter at least parts of both theories of Information and the Quantum Theory of Information, as it is doing with other disciplines such as Communications, Games Theory, Caius, Systems Theory, Control, and so on.
