Document Type : Research Paper
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine subject categories in Knowledge and Information Science for creating knowledge map of KIS.
Method: The Delphi technique was used for collection of the required data. This qualitative research methodology helped facilitating and determining the main and sub-main subject categories. The Delphi Panel was composed of 28 experts in KIS. The Statistical technique of t-test was applied for analyzing the results.
Findings: The results obtained from Delphi Panel revealed that there was significant difference between the first stage and second stage in regards with 2nd (methodology), 3rd (Library & resource centers) and Sixth (User Services) subject categories. No significant differences were observed in other 11 subject categories.
Conclusion: Results also indicated that KIS categories were changed from 13 subject categories to 14, namely: 1) General KIS, 2) KIS education, 3) Methodology , 4) Libraries and resource centers, 5) Management of libraries and information centers, 6) Technical or organizational knowledge, 7)User Services, 8) Use & User Studies, 9) Information storage and retrieval, 10) Library and ICT, 11) Publishing and distribution, 12) Social Issues Information, 13) Ethical and legal issues, and 14) Knowledge Management.