Document Type : Original Article


Aim: The aim of the research was investigating and visualizing the intellectual structure of Plant Science subject area based on outputs of Iranian scholars of the field indexed in ISI ranked journals during time span of 1990-2009.
Methodlogy: This scientometric research is based on citation analysis and the author-co-citation analysis and social network analysis have been utilized for evaluating the base authors in citation network of the field. The population of the research was all references of the mentioned publications. The sample was the top 1 percent cited scholars of the field.
Findings: The result of the research is presenting a macro image of the intellectual foundations of the field and its analysis. Also we analyzed and ranked the subject area based on its specialties, and new social network, temporal and citation indicators such as novelty, centrality, modularity, silhouette, density …. The fingings of the research can be used for policy makers and Plant Science scholars.


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