Document Type : Original Article



Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to multilevel analysis of the impact of knowledge sharing on performance of services with respect to moderating role of organizational memory.

Methodology: This research in terms of purpose and nature is an applied research and in terms of data collection, is descriptive-survey. Data is collected from 114 librarians from 19 libraries of Ahvaz. We have used valid and reliable questionnaires for data collecting.

Findings: Analysis of the results at the individual level (librarians) showed that knowledge sharing has a significant and positive impact on performance services among librarians. The findings of multilevel model showed that the variable of organizational level were found to have significant contextual effects on individuals’ knowledge sharing and performance services. In addition, moderating effect of the organizational level variable on relationship between knowledge sharing and performance services was confirmed.

Results: The results of regression analysis show that the more knowledge to be shared, library services will also increase performance and If considered the organizational memory that will further enhance the performance of services.


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