Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph. D. Student of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: This study aimed to inform that familiarity of librarian of Iranian national library about critical theory.
Methodology: This is a descriptive study. In this study, data collection tools provided by (Hollister and Schroeder, 2014). Analysis tools are descriptive statistics and inferred statistics.
Findings: The findings showed that librarians did not have much familiarity about critical theorists (57%) but they had familiarity with social issues and critical activities related to library and information science (44%). 53 percent showed Marxist Criticism and Post Colonialism were more associated with critical theory. 51 percent of librarian had the same option in that role of libraries, the nature of librarianship, role of educational institutions and students/library users were the most important activities in critical theory related to library science.
Conclusion: The hypothesis showed that there were significant relationship between librarians and the most important activities in the library science. Discussion: Thus, this seem that all of the librarian should be familiarity with concepts of critical theory and it is necessary to include the critical theory concepts in the course of library and information science.
