Document Type : Original Article


MA. of Knowledge and Information Science, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting


Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between visual literacy of archivists and their career success in the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.
Methods: The research method was survey and the population consisted of 104 staff of archives of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The data gathered using questionnaires of visual literacy (capers et al, 2012) and career success questionnaires of (Green House et al, 1990). Data analysis test was Pearson correlation test.
Findings: Visual literacy of archivists of IRIB in all different aspects of visual literacy is above average and at an acceptable level. Average total mean value of visual literacy of archivists was 3.6859 and above the average. The highest mean is related to the ability to interpret visual. The job success of archivists of IRIB was below the average level, and there was a significant relationship between visual literacy and career success of archive staff.
Conclusion: Increasing of visual literacy of archives staff will increase job success of them. The relationship of each of the aspects of visual literacy with career successes were Confirmed. Visual literacy education courses and workshops for staff of visual archives of IRIB were suggested by the present study.


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