Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor. Information Science & Knowledge Dep. Education and Psychology School. Shahid Beheshti University. Velenjak. Tehran. I.R.Iran

2 Faculty member, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

3 MA in Knowledge and Information Science, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. in Knowledge and Information Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Taxonomy is a hierarchical list of subject categories similar to classification schemes and thesauruses used to organize the World Wide Web. Using taxonomy, fast and systematic access to web resources is provided. The purpose of this study is to identify taxonomic features and provide a proposed model for use in Iran.
Methodology: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection method was survey research using Delphi technique. After studying and reviewing the texts, taxonomic features were extracted and a questionnaire was designed based on them. The statistical population of the study included librarians and information specialists who were selected through purposive sampling. The research was conducted in two stages; First, taxonomic features were extracted from some databases and information sources, and in the second stage, using Delphi method; the opinion of librarianship and information experts about taxonomy was assessed. Formal validity method was used to determine the validity. According to the Delphi technique, the opinions of expert groups were obtained in two stages and in each stage, the same response was applied by them, which will be a reason for the reliability of the research tool.
Findings: Expansion criterion was the first criterion that was examined. This criterion includes six sub-criteria, which are: taxonomy construction approach, type of combination of terms and categories, number of taxonomic levels, suitable format to support inputs and outputs, various forms of taxonomy and integration of taxonomy with other tools. The pre-homogeneity and post-homogeneity characteristics also obtained the highest percentage and rank (71.41%) for the type of combination of terms and categories, which can be concluded that in taxonomy, as thematic guidelines for creating categories Terms use the pre-coordinated method, but sometimes it is possible to use the post-coordinated method to combine categories and search for them simultaneously and side by side, like search engines, using Boolean operators. Another important feature of taxonomy is the ability to input and output in various formats, which XML format with the highest percentage and rank (71.44%) is recommended due to its simplicity and ease of use. Multilingual support in taxonomy helps manage documents in different languages and organizes them using taxonomy. Due to the fact that in Iran most of the resources are in English, Persian and Arabic, the use of these three languages to support the sources is recommended and English has obtained the highest percentage and rank (38.46%). The use of prefabricated taxonomy is another sub-criterion of taxonomy development that has been proposed in this research. Based on the results obtained from the research, the form of multiple hierarchies is known as the best form for creating taxonomy due to creating more connection between different concepts in taxonomic content with the highest percentage and rank (35.71%) and of course it can be used to create conceptual categories. Findings show that the integration of taxonomy with search tools such as search engines and the like with the highest percentage and rank (23.07%) was the most important for the participants in the Delphi panel. Regulatory criteria and its sub-criteria are among the other important features that can be considered for taxonomy. The taxonomy retention criteria include adaptability to changes, the ability to manage new changes and retain previous change history, reclassify categories automatically after changes, and the ability to add new details and notes to taxonomy. The research findings indicate that the expansion and restructuring of taxonomic content after the changes had the highest percentage and rank (100%). In any taxonomy, appropriate and practical software and hardware must be used. Finally, according to the study of different patterns of taxonomy and the characteristics obtained from the results of this study, a model was proposed that includes the following five main steps: planning, identification and determination of concepts within taxonomy, taxonomic planning, Taxonomy review, and taxonomy management and maintenance.
Discussion:  According to the results of the present study and research backgrounds, it can be concluded that the features used for taxonomy each have the capabilities, capabilities and strengths and weaknesses related to Are themselves and cannot be simply attributed to taxonomy. As the results of the research show, most of the features suggested for taxonomy in each option were multiple or a combination of several features or attributes. In addition, considering that in this study taxonomy was considered both in general and in particular, it can be concluded that some of the features that we enumerated for taxonomy can only be used in a specific taxonomy, such as a specific subject. , Or be used in the field of work of an organization or the products of a store and not be used in taxonomy for another purpose.


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