نوع مقاله : علمی پژوهشی


1 کارشناس ارشد علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی و مسئول کتابخانه عمومی آیت الله زین العابدین سلماسی

2 مشاور در دانشگاه آزاد


هدف: هدف بررسی وضعیت سواد اطلاعات سلامت کتابداران کتابخانه های عمومی در ارتباط با مراجعان است.
روش: پژوهش از نوع توصیفی و تحلیلی و به روش پیمایشی انجام شده ‌است. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات، پرسشنامه است که بین 119 نفر از کتابداران توزیع شد و داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS تجزیه و تحلیل گردید.
یافته ها: سواد اطلاعات سلامت کتابداران از نظر مهارتهای همدلی، ارتباطی، بهداشتی، خانوادگی در سطح مطلوبی بود. سواد اطلاعات سلامت کتابداران در" افتخار دانستن خدمت به مراجعین" نسبت به سایر شاخص های همدلی و در"رفتار مناسب توام با احترام با همه مراجعان"نسبت به سایر شاخص های مهارتهای ارتباطی و در"تلاش برای پیشگیری از رفتارهای مخاطره آمیز"نسبت به سایر شاخص های بهداشتی و در"پذیرش مسئولیت اعمال خود" نسبت به سایر شاخص های خانوادگی بالاتر بود.
نتیجه گیری: این مطالعه به خاطر نقش کتابداران در ارائه خدمات اطلاعات سلامتی به مراجعان مفید است. با سنجش سواد اطلاعات سلامت، مسئولان می توانند برای ارتقاء سواد اطلاعات سلامت کتابداران برنامه ریزی کنند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Study of Public Librarians' Status in Health Information Literacy in relation to Clients (case study: West Azerbaijan province)

نویسنده [English]

  • Masoumeh Moslemi 1

1 کارشناس ارشد علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی و مسئول کتابخانه عمومی آیت الله زین العابدین سلماسی


چکیده [English]

Background and Objectives: Countless users with lots of problems daily refer to libraries with hope of guidance and counseling.  Librarians are responsible not only for delivering the books but determining the appropriate books which could fulfill users’ needs. Librarians who are equipped with sufficient Health Information Literacy could help users better. As a result, providing users’ satisfaction leads them become permanent users and encourage other potential members to attend library. Health Information Literacy can study through various lasers. The current research studies Librarians Health Information Literacy in terms of empathy, communication, health and family skills. At the current time, people's tendency to use internet to reach more information in short time has highly boosted. Although to arrive at healthy information with high speed internet is too satisfactory, but great attention should be given to the authenticity of sites, source and people who provide this information. Two major services of libraries are to provide internet services and electronic resources. It should be highlighted that librarians are the best counselor and guide of users with high Health Information Literacy who could provide users with useful sites. It should be notified that previous researches on Health Information Literacy are focused on hygiene information but present study’s concentration is behavioral and skills of life. This study aims to survey the status of public librarians' Health Information Literacy in relation to clients.
Methodology: Regarding variables normality, one-sample T-Test is applied to determine the answers. The obtained results indicate desirability of Librarians' Health Information Literacy status in empathy, communication, health and family skills. The obtained average in all skills was higher than average criterion 3. Health Information Literacy of librarians in following cases; “knowing honor to service the clients” to other empathy indicators, “respectful appropriate behavior with all clients” to other indicators of communication skills, “trying to prevent perilous behaviors” to other indicators of health skills and finally “acceptance responsibility in their acts” to other indicators of family was higher.
Findings: Regarding variables normality, one-sample T-Test is applied to determine the answers. The obtained results indicate desirability of Librarians' Health Information Literacy status in empathy, communication, health and family skills. The obtained average in all skills was higher than average criterion 3. Health Information Literacy of librarians in following cases; “knowing honor to service the clients” to other empathy indicators, “respectful appropriate behavior with all clients” to other indicators of communication skills, “trying to prevent perilous behaviors” to other indicators of health skills and finally “acceptance responsibility in their acts” to other indicators of family was higher.
Discussion:  The present study is quite useful and beneficial because it highlights the role of librarians in providing health information services to clients. Using Health Information Literacy measurement, authorities of the public libraries can promote the literacy of health information of librarians. High communication skills of librarians result in attracting people to reading books in multifarious ways. Librarians should able to communicate with schools and universities properly, hold study circles to create variety in libraries’ environment and have good communication skills. The results indicate that health information literacy of librarians is higher than average in terms of communication skills. Both Health Information Literacy and hygienic skills are significant and interrelated. The prior’s significance lies in empathy and communication skills and the latter’s in providing better services. Since different people from different social classes refer to libraries, it is necessary for librarians to have plentiful health and hygiene information to provide and maintain the health of libraries. Certainly the cleanliness and beauty of the library have deserving effect on the users' exhilaration. The results of the study demonstrate that librarians' Health Information Literacy is in desirable level in health and family skills.
It should be notified that with the introduction of new tools and software technology to the libraries, the librarian’s literacy level has extensively boosted.  Having tried to learn new information technologies, librarians can introduce health-related databases to users by holding various training courses in libraries. In spite of librarians’ higher Health Information Literacy, the entrance of technologically advanced utensils and electronic resources to libraries create anxiety filled environments. Therefore, librarians need to promote their skills in different fields especially in health information to avoid physical and mental damages. Librarians could make libraries a certain, safe and trusted place through secrecy maintenance, affability and reliability and providing necessary facilities for easy accessibility to health information required for users. Authorities could also have determinant role in the augment of librarians' Health Information Literacy. They could carry out this task by; purchasing and sending various sources of health, psychology and hygiene for libraries; purchasing health related databases to librarians and users; holding different conferences about Health Information Literacy for librarians; holding educational courses for all librarians in city; making them familiar with tools and new technological soft wares; holding study circles among librarians in city; creating communicative relationship among librarians and professionals like physicians and psychiatrists and finally establishing a provincial counseling center to lead librarians settle their own and members problems

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • health
  • health information literacy
  • Librarians
  • clients
  • Public Library
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