Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Faculty member, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 National Library and Archive of Iran


Purpose: the current research aimed to compare the effectiveness of various tags and codes for retrieving images from the Google.
Design/methodology: selected images with different characteristics in a registered domain were carefully studied. The exception was that special conceptual features have been apportioned for each group of images separately. In this regard, each group image surrounding texts was dissimilar. Images were allocated with captions including language in Farsi and English, alt text, image title, file name, free and controlled languages and appropriation text to images properties.
Findings: allocating texts to images on website causes Google retrieve more images. Chi-square test for difference of retrieved images in 5 Codes is significant and revealed that in different codes, significantly various numbers of images were retrieved. Caption allocation in English had the best effect in retrieving images in the study sample and file name had less effect in image retrieval ranking. image retrieval


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