Document Type : Original Article


Kharazmi University


Purpose: This article demonstrates how students experience reading in printed and electronic formats and what factors are involved in selecting reading materials.
Methodology: This study was performed by quality approach and interpreted with phenomenological method. Participated populations were M.A. students (17) of Kharazmi University. In order to gather information, non-structural interview was implemented and this process continued until data saturation. Data analysis was performed using ground theory followed by triangulation method.
Findings: This analysis showed that cause factors (instrumental and value believes), field conditions (cognition and perception, access and comfort) and intervening condition (feeling) have basic rules in selecting reading formats. It was realized that these people used approaches based on subject and context value for selecting format and the results of these approaches were pleasure and behavior which will create for readers.
Originality/value: This is the first study that makes an attempt to draw field model of lived experience, causal factors, field and intervening conditions of reading in printed and electronic format.


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