Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed to investigate relationship between organizational communication and Knowledge sharing with the role of positive organizational trust in teachers. This research is of descriptive correlational study. Research community is included all highschool teachers of first and secund class in the year of 1395 in bijar city whom were 500 people. The statistical sample was 217 people. For data collection questionnaires, a organizational communication doaee (1372) with alpha (0.91), Knowledge sharing Bock, Zmud, Kim & Lee(2005) with alpha (2006) with alpha (0.75) and organizational trust Ellonen, Blomqvist & Puumalainen (2008)with alpha (0.94) was used. For data analysis of structural equation modeling using pls was used. The results show that organizational communication directly (β=0.185) and indirect(β= 0.103) on In other words it can be said that organizational communication with role mediator organizational trust of the Increase Knowledge sharing
placed school teachers.In this regard, when the organizational trust as a mediating variable in the equation is treated with more power


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