Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Amin Police Force University, Tehran, Iran

3 MSc in Public Administration, Faculty of Management and accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Over the years, electronic technologies, especially the Internet have had many advantages for the organization and its employees; however, new technologies such as the Internet have had negative consequences Such as reducing the level of productivity and Financial losses in the aftermath. One of the topics discussed in recent decades is the discussion of computers and electronic technologies, especially the Internet and how to use it. Extreme use and use of the Internet, especially for non-scientific purposes, has been associated with increasing social and personal problems. Yang discusses the Internet abuse and its dependence and its consequences for the first time. One of the abuses of the internet in the business environment is the Cyberloafing phenomeno.  Cyberloafing can be defined as using the organization's Internet to perform personal tasks, such as reading and sending personal emails, reading content on news sites and blogs, and playing games and entertainment. The enormous costs that organizations incur as a result of employees' inappropriate use of the Internet have made it possible for organizations to identify the factors that influence these behaviors and to control their drivers. The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of Cyber loafing on the performance of Sadad Data Processing Company staff.
Methodology: : Current research model, based on data collected from 108 questionnaires to randomly among employees of Data SADAD (PARS) distributed and collected, based on structural equation modeling (SEM), through the PLS software been tested.
Findings: Current research model, based on data collected from 108 questionnaires to randomly among employees of Data SADAD (PARS) distributed and collected, based on structural equation modeling (SEM), through the PLS software been tested. The obtained results of data analysis show, Cyber loafing have the negative effect on employee performance (= - 0.705 and T = 2.705). In this regard, a study by Barla et al. (2003) found that internet duplication reduces work performance due to the loss of working time, in fact when it comes to internet duplication, This is the time to do the work and it is expected that any loss of working time will result in a loss of productivity so the results of this study are in line with the research mentioned. As well as cyber loafing have a Direct and significant influence on the Counterproductive performance (= 0.749   and T = 17.117). Also, cyber evasion has an inverse effect on citizenship performance (0.5 = 0.529 and T = 9.248) and duty (0. -0.454 and T = 6.091).
Discussion: Among the practical implications of the results of this study is that managers need to actively take measures to effectively utilize employees' Internet in the workplace, which is not possible unless it provides the appropriate space and facilities for the organization's employees. Employees as the core capital of organizations need such an environment to make the organization effective.


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