نوع مقاله : علمی پژوهشی


1 دکتری، علم اطلاعات و دانش‌شناسی، دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران

2 استاد، گروه علم اطلاعات و دانش‌شناسی دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران

3 دانشیار، گروه علم اطلاعات و دانش‌شناسی، دانشگاه پیام‌نور، تهران، ایران


هدف: هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی کاربردپذیری نقشه­های حاصل از تحلیل هم­واژگانی پروانه­های ثبت اختراع حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی با استفاده از نظرات خبرگان این حوزه علمی است.
روش‌شناسی: این پژوهش در دو مرحله انجام شده است. در مرحله اول برای استخراج مفاهیم و ترسیم نقشه­های موضوعی بر مبنای شاخص­های مرکزیت رتبه، بینابینی و نزدیکی از فن تحلیل هم­واژگانی استفاده شد. سپس در مرحله دوم با استفاده از تکنیک دلفی از نظرات گروهی از متخصصان حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی برای بررسی کاربردپذیری نقشه­ها و تحلیل­های استخراج شده در مرحله اول، استفاده شد. جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر در مرحله اول، کلیه پروانه­های ثبت اختراع حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی که در پایگاه اداره ثبت اختراع و علائم تجاری آمریکا در بازه زمانی 1984 تا 2014 میلادی ثبت شده است، می­باشد. در مرحله دوم این پژوهش، جهت اجرای روش دلفی، پنلی متشکل از جمعی از متخصصان حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی که سابقه خدمت و فعالیت در این حوزه را داشتند، تشکیل شد.
یافته‌ها: نقشه­های موضوعی توانسته­اند در ارائه تصویری کلی از محتوای پروانه­های ثبت اختراع حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی مفید واقع شوند. اگر نقشه­های علمی حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی به یک نقشه راه تبدیل شوند می­توانند تأثیرات مثبتی بر تصمیمات متخصصان این حوزه علمی بگذارند. همچنین با برطرف کردن نواقص موجود در نقشه­های علمی حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی می­توان به بهبود فناوری­های موجود در این حوزه دست یافت. بنابراین نقشه­های علمی ترسیم شده، می­توانند ابزار مناسبی برای کسانی باشند که می­خواهند درک اولیه­ای از پروانه­های ثبت اختراع حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی به‌دست آورند.
نتیجه‌گیری: نقشه­های به‌دست آمده از تحلیل هم­واژگانی پروانه­های ثبت اختراع حوزه تجهیزات پزشکی و آزمایشگاهی توانسته­اند در درک محتوای این حوزه علمی مؤثر واقع شوند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigating the applicability of mapping derived from co-word based analysis of patents in the field of medical and laboratory equipment according to opinions of experts

نویسندگان [English]

  • Maryam Emami 1
  • Nosrat Riahinia 2
  • Faramarz soheili 3

1 Ph.D. of Information Science & Knowledge, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Information Science & Knowledge, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science & Knowledge, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Background and Objectives: The present study aims to investigating the applicability of mapping derived from co-word based analysis of patents in the field of medical and laboratory equipment according to opinions of experts.
Methodology: The present study is an applied study conducted using scientometrics since co-word analysis is one of the methods in scientometrics. The study has been carried out in two phases. In the first phase, for extraction of concepts and thematic mapping based on the degree, closeness, and betweenness centrality, co-word analysis technique was used. Then in the second phase, using a Delphi technique, the views of a group of specialists in the field of medical and laboratory equipment were used to examine the applicability of mapping and analyses extracted in the first phase. The statistical population in the first phase is all patents of medical and laboratory equipment registered at the US Patent and Trademark Office during the period from 1984 to 2014. In the second phase of this research, to implement the Delphi method, a panel consisting of a group of specialists in the field of medical and laboratory equipment who had a history of service and activity in this field, was formed. Snowball sampling was used to identify and select the statistical sample. According to the qualitative part of this study, using data and maps of co-word analysis section, a questionnaire was made which includes nine descriptive questions. After designing a questionnaire, in order to confirm the validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed to two medical and laboratory equipment experts. In this research, in the first stage, a questionnaire was distributed among specialists. After analyzing the responses received in the first step, the questionnaire was prepared with the required revisions for the second stage. This process continued until the achievement of sustainability in the responses received from experts and reaching a consensus point. Eventually, with the implementation of the Delphi method, the views of experts on the application of thematic mapping derived from co-word analysis of patents for medical and laboratory equipment in the reflection of technical knowledge were collected and investigated.
Findings: In this research, the co-word analysis has been able to illustrate the technical structure of patents for medical and laboratory equipment and, on this basis, it is possible to extract new scientific and research subjects and discover the connection between them. Co-word maps have been able to show changes and stabilities in the concepts and terms related to this scientific field. As the findings of this study showed, according to centrality indicators of degree, closeness, and betweenness of thematic categories, the "Menstrual Fluid" and "Apparatus" are one of the most important thematic categories of patents for medical and laboratory equipment. Thematic mapping has been helpful in providing a comprehensive overview of the contents in the field of medical and laboratory equipment. If science maps of medical and laboratory equipment become a roadmap, they will have a positive impact on the decisions of experts in this field. By reducing the shortcomings of science maps in the field of medical and laboratory equipment, it can be achieved to improve technologies in this field. Therefore, scientific mapping can be a useful tool for those who intend to get an early understanding of medical and laboratory equipment.
Discussion: The maps obtained from the co-word analysis of medical and laboratory equipment have been effective in understanding the content of this scientific area. The presentation of a model in various fields of science can play a very important role in advancing the best and most of the scientific field. Professional researchers in various sciences should provide a comprehensive overview of the field of science by providing a comprehensive and concise model for beginner students and researchers, since this will make it easier to become acquainted with the scientific field, and finally, the platform will be available to explore new and emerging research topics. Also, the results of this research can lead to potential capabilities in the field of the production of medical equipment as well as lead to the study of the requirements in this field. The results of this study can be effective for physicians, medical engineers, and medical and laboratory medical experts.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Co-word Analysis
  • Usability
  • Scientific Map
  • patent
  • Medical and Laboratory Equipment
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