Document Type : Original Article


1 Information Science and Knowledge, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Information Management Dept., Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.


Purpose:The expansion of public libraries, policymakers and users' expectations and budget allocations, along with the rapid advancement of information technology, has increased the number of libraries that use IT. This also requires librarians to learn the necessary knowledge in the development of information technology, the foundations of the computer and how to use it, as well as the basic principles of software and the way programs are run. Given the fact that the implementation and use of IT imposes a huge of the costs to the organization, there is no guarantee of its success. Therefore, it is necessary that the various aspects of organizational use from IT to be considered based on a variety of dimensions, such as organizational, human, environmental and technology; because the lack of attention to these factors can be affected, some factors such as the resistance to technological changes or dissatisfaction. So, This aimed to investigate the relationship between expected usefulness, organizational readiness, environmental pressures, accessibility features and information technology compatibility among librarians of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province public libraries. Methodology: The research is an applied research method done using analytical survey method. The population of this study was 175 librarians and staff of public libraries in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. Using Krejcie and Morgan tables 120 librarians were selected randomly. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data (based on the study by Iacovou & et al., 1995, Hsu & et al. 2006, and Oliviera and Martins, 2009). The validity of tools using content-formal method and reliability with Cronbach's alpha (α = 0.83) confirmed. Data were analyzed by descriptive and analytical statistical methods including one sample t test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Findings: Results showed that the expected usefulness were not significantly correlated with information technology compatibility (Sig. 0.061). However, the environmental stresses (r = 0.505), organizational readiness (r = 0.506), accessibility (r = 0.708) and IT compatibility have a positive correlation and significant relationship (Sig. 0.000).


Main Subjects

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