Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD student of information science and universology /shahid chamran university of ahvaz

2 Member of the Department of Information Science and knowledge , Razi University of Kermanshah

3 Member of history department. Ilam University



Objective: This research introduces the term and concept of recorded knowledge history and the importance of studying and examining it with the aim of understanding the subject. What is the place of history in librarianship and information? Why the term Recorded knowledge history used for this field of study? What is the need for research in this field?

Research Method: The method of this article is theoretical and analytical and terminology, etymology and historical analysis of the use of terms and concepts are used. This research is interdisciplinary.

Findings: The origin and roots of the Recorded knowledge History and related concepts have been obtained and the necessity of using the term Recorded knowledge history to name this field and the concept of the history of Recorded knowledge has been expressed using the opinions of thinkers. Also, the benefits and advantages of Recorded knowledge history are shown in this article. "Dabir" is a Sumerian word that originated in the Persian language from the Achaemenid period and was used in the form of DP, and DUb, meaning is tablet. The words, Divan aand Modavan derived from it. Therefore, the term "Modavan" means that it has ancient roots in the depths of history, and Recordeded Knowledge in the word means knowledge that is collected and written somewhere and preserved in some way.

Discussion and Conclusion: The origin of Recorded knowledge and related term is from Mesopotamian civilization and the words knowledge and civil are very old and deep-rooted terms and the Recorded knowledge history is an important field of cultural history that is studied in the field ofLIbrary and information science. This concept has been studied with other terms before and in this research the accessibility and maturity of the term written history has been discussed. The study of the Recorded knowledge History brings achievements for Library and information science and links with other sciences that deal with social and cultural studies. Examining this important part of human history acquaints young and popular scholars with an aspect of Library and information science and its attractions, and creates pleasure in readers.
