Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Information Science, Razi University

2 Ph.D in information science,


Purpose: This study sought to answer these questions that How is the experience of Flow among Razi University students in studding as well as in cyberspace.

Methodology: The present study was a type of applied research that was conducted using survey method. The research data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on the Csikszentmihalyi Flow theory for work and learning environments, and by making changes to it, a 36-question questionnaire was developed based on the Likert five-step spectrum. Out of a total of 36 questions, 12 questions were assigned to assess the Flow experience in each of the components (course based study, non-course based study and cyberspace use). To assess the validity of the questionnaire, the opinions of several professors and PhD students in information science were used. Data reliability of the data collection instrument was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha, and the 0.87 alpha coefficient indicated the appropriate reliability of the questionnaire. Using random sampling method, 375 questionnaires were distributed among Razi University students, of which 322 questionnaires were completed, returned and analyzed. Data analysis was performed using version 25 of SPSS software.

Findings: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was between 1.96 and 1.96, and based on this, it can be argued that the distribution of the cumulative frequency observed was the same as the expected cumulative frequency distribution and the distribution of the studied adjective to the normal distribution. Therefore, it was possible to use parametric tests for research. The results of the variable t-test showed that the Flow experience among Razi University students in cyberspace is significantly greater than when they study - whether they are studying or not.

Conclusion: Low Flow experience while studying can be due to poor reading skills and reading habits, which are common even among students. . Other reasons for not experiencing Flow while studying include the possible imbalance between skill and challenge, which can sometimes make the activity sometimes anxious, sometimes boring, meaning that if the challenge is more than skill, the person will be anxious. And if it is less than skilled, he will get bored.
