Document Type : Original Article


1 Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education Sciences & Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 MSc. of Knowledge and Information Science, Ayatollah Brojerdi Library, Qom, Iran. Researcher of Ancient Text

3 chamran university of ahvaz



Objective:The degree of similarity of the subjects in most classifications in order to identify commonalities and thematic differences with scientific productions and calligraphy in different centuries taken from Fankh.

Methods:In the present article, which is an analytical-comparative study and has been done by library method, an attempt has been made to extract the opinions of five Muslim scholars in classifying sciences in different historical centuries using sources and reviewing texts. Volumes 37and38 of FANKHA, whose thematic index and volume45, which reported the status of authorship in Iran before the printing industry, are the source of the present study.

Results:According to FAMKHA's thematic index as well as the table of topics - manuscripts written in the 15th century, there is a significant gap between the statistics of these two tables. It can be said that the topics selected for the manuscripts based on the subject index are more closely related to the categories under study.On the other hand, according to the table of topics - manuscripts written in the 15th century, it seems that if more attention was paid to the selection of subjects as well as the main and sub-branches of subjects, a more scientific analysis would be obtained. FANKHA himself presents and was more in line with the classifications of the scientists studied in this study. Some of the subjects in FANKHA have very few authors, so it comes to mind that the subjects of the manuscripts may not have been chosen correctly and carefully.Therefore it requires a study of the topics devoted to manuscripts in FANKHA, which requires a more detailed, detailed and text-based study of manuscripts.

Conclusion:Relying on the valuable background of Muslim scholars' classifications of science and explaining the thematic commonalities and differences in them, a framework for classifying and designing special classifications for manuscripts and ancient texts can be proposed and maximizing access to their valuable content nationally and International.
