Document Type : Original Article
1 MSc of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 PhD, Assistant Professor of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Background and Objectives: The library is a repository of knowledge and a dynamic social institution, an indispensable resource center for reliable information and meant to preserve the recorded knowledge of man for of the public library missions is helping young adults in accomplishing an effective transition from childhood to adulthood through offering access to information resources, as well as making an environment that satisfies the specific needs of young adults for intellectual, emotional, and social development .Use of public library services has become an imperative concern in recent times. There is no doubt that library services and various media influence the degree in which the services are used and it has been found to be an important factor that affects the use or non-use of library services. Therefore, the objective of this project was to identify the effect of library services and various media to attract teenagers into the public libraries in Isfahan cities.
Methodology: The current research was an applied study in terms of the purpose and in terms of collecting information "descriptive- survey”; it was conducted through a survey. Before finalizing the questionnaire, its content validity was established by review of faculty members of library and information science at the University of Isfahan. Further, the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed via “Cronbach's Alpha” in the pilot test with 0.920 in variable library services and 0.727 in variable various media. The research population consisted of library members of the Iran public libraries foundation in the city of Isfahan, who were aged between 12 to 16 years old. A total of 920 individuals who met the inclusion criteria were members of the public libraries in Isfahan. Sample participants were chosen by stratified random sampling. Also, according to Cochran’s sampling size formula, the sample size was calculated, 270 persons. The return rate of the questionnaires was 85.93% and a total of 232 questionnaires were analyzed. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 18.
Findings: Findings indicate that based on advice teens in regard to the various library services on attracting teenagers into the public library the "answering the research questions students" and “Make fun the library space “To arrange in rank, the first and second placed and then "Storytelling and Drama" was in the last place. Based on advice teens in regard to the various media on attracting teenagers into the public library the "television" was most effective media to attract teenagers to the library and the "newspaper" was in the last place, and there is a direct relationship between use of public libraries during a month and viewing TV during a day. Also, public library usage among teenagers is unrelated gender, age, GPA and mother's job, however public library use is related to parents’ education, father's job, area location life and type of school.
Discussion: It found that the young adults well understand the necessity of public libraries, therefore, the public libraries can play an important role in the young adults’ life and it is necessary that they improve their services and it is necessary for the public libraries’ managers and authorities to use strategies for information, diversification, and innovations in these services. Since the " answering the research questions students" were the most important reasons for using public libraries by the young people, these factors must be improved in the libraries to both increases the service level of libraries and encourage the young people to attend the libraries. Considering the existence of abundant educational resources and their high cost, and the families’ problem for buying these resources, public libraries are considered as a suitable place for providing the resources. Furthermore, more cooperation between libraries and schools is essentials. Librarians can select the appropriate books and resources with the help of teachers. Also, creating a suitable environment for studying in the library and other facilities such as computers and Internet would cause that more young people come and use public libraries. Moreover, the result indicated that the area location life (socioeconomic and cultural status) has some effect on the use of libraries by young people, Therefore, it is necessary for the public libraries to regard special facilities for the socioeconomically and culturally disadvantaged students so that through which the library can attract these young people to the library, for example, to provide facilities for borrowing more books, Free membership and etc. Regarding the impact of cultural status of families on using the public libraries, schools and other social institutions must institutionalize the culture of studying and reading books altogether to families. In addition, it is essential for mass media to have purposeful and continuous activities to improve the families’ knowledge level and the culture of study and to provide the programs for achieving these purposes. Since the “TV" was the most important media for attract young adult to public libraries, therefore the use of TV to advertise the services of the public library should also increase and encourage the young people to attend the libraries.