Original Article
The role of documentation in organizational knowledge management: A case study at satellite research institute
Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 3-20


  Background/aim. Employees, as the most important assets of an organization, acquire a great deal of experience, skills and knowledge throughout the time period they work for the organization. If their skills and technical knowledge are not documented properly, they will be lost as soon as employees leave ...  Read More

Original Article
A Survey of Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure in Shahid Chamran University in views of the Faculty Members and Graduate Students of This University

samira soleimanpour; Abdolhossein Farajpahlou; Hossein Dehdarirad

Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 21-38


  Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the views of the faculty members and graduate students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz on the knowledge sharing infrastructure in this university. Methodology: As a descriptive study, it was focused on a survey that was taken from a study by Pourserajian, ...  Read More

Original Article
Investigating factors affecting knowledge-sharing librarians and introducing a model for predicting their behavior (Case study: Fars Province’s public libraries)

Ali Biranvand; Ahmad Shaabani; Morteza Mohammadi Ostani

Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 39-60


  Purpose: The present paper aims to investigate factors affecting knowledge-sharing among Fars Province public libraries’ librarians in terms of combina-tion of models Social Exchange and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and introducing a model of predicting their behavior.Research Methodology: ...  Read More

Original Article
Implementing Resource Description and Access (RDA) in Knowledge Management Systems (based on Nonaka & Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model)

Fatemeh Pazooki; Mohsen Haji Zeinolabedini

Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 61-76


  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the aspects of using RDA rules in institutional knowledge management process. Knowledge management includes the total procedures needed for management of organizational knowledge. Regarding the importance of information organization elements, this ...  Read More

Original Article
Evaluation of Knowledge Management dimensions in an organization by using Grey System Theory

Mohamadhossein Ronaghi; Kamran Feyzi; Amin Asadpour

Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 77-96


  Knowledge management (KM) is the process of capturing, developing, sharing, and effectively using organisational knowledge. It refers to a multi-disciplined approach to achieving organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledgeKnowledge has a vital role in achieving organizational goals. ...  Read More

Original Article
Relationship between Personal Knowledge Management and accountants Job Performance

mahdi moradi; zakiyeh marandi; iman mohseni

Volume 9, Issue 19 , April 2017, Pages 97-116


  Purpose: The present study attempted to investigate the relationship between the personal knowledge management and job performance of accountants, and tried to examine the role and influence level of personal knowledge management on the accountants’ job performance of different organizations. Methodology: ...  Read More