Documentation Status in Shahid Chamran University (SCU) Registrars from Their Employees’ Viewpoints

مرتضی کوکبی؛ فاطمه سبزی زاده؛ غلامرضا حیدری

دوره 9، شماره 22 ، اسفند 1396، ، صفحه 1-16

  Abstract: The purpose of the present survey is to study the status of knowledge documentation in SCU registrars from the registrars’ employees’ viewpoints in SCU. The research is a survey of a descriptive-analytical type. The questionnaires were distributed among 110 registrars’ employees in SCU. To analyze the data, some descriptive and inferential statistical tests were employed. Findings indicate that the documentation status is relatively desirable, and the employees’ awareness of documentation values is high. Based on employees’ viewpoints, five instructional, ...  بیشتر